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Have you been thinking about installing a custom driveway gate to your home? If so, there are many things you need to think about before getting started. There are numerous options available when it comes to custom gates, and selecting the right features will make your gate more suitable for your household. In today’s blog, we will discuss things to consider for your custom driveway gate.

The Guidelines of Your Homeowner’s Association

First things first, if you live in a neighborhood that has a homeowner’s association, you will need to contact them to discover what restrictions they may have for the types of gates you can install. Many HOAs have restrictions on the various gate features, such as its:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Design
  • Width
  • Height

Homeowner’s associations want similar gates in the neighborhood, so it’s important to make sure you customize your gate to meet your given guidelines. If your gate does not adhere to the specifications of your HOA, they may require that you pay fines—or worse—remove the gate entirely.

Gate Design

One of the top things you want to consider for your custom driveway gate is the design. Are you looking for something more fresh and simple, like a single gate, or perhaps something more dramatic, like a double gate? While the amount of space in your driveway plays a big role with what gate design will work best for you, you should take the time to explore your options and pick the design that aligns best with your needs and preferences.

Level of Privacy

We are all different individuals who want gates for different reasons. Some homeowners want entry gates for aesthetics, while others want them for privacy. Depending on your preferences, you can customize your gate to block all outside views or beautifully adorn your home while providing great visibility of your home’s exterior. There’s no limit to how you can customize your entry gate. Your gate installation team will go over the materials and designs you can choose from so that you can select the one that offers the privacy level of your preference.

Gate Height

Another important thing to consider for your custom driveway gate is the height of the gate. There are some homeowners who want very large gates that create a majestic appearance when a guest comes to visit, while other homeowners prefer something more simple and subtle. It’s essential to consider the architectural design of your home to select a height that fits in. Selecting a gate that’s too large or too small for your home can result in it looking out of place.

Swing or Slide? Will you want your custom driveway gate doors to swing or slide open? Keep in mind that swinging doors take up a lot of space, so if your home has a small driveway, it may be best to

install a sliding driveway gate. The same goes for homes with little horizontal space—it may be best to install a swinging gate in this scenario. Talk with your gate installer about which type of gate opening style will work best for your home.

If you plan on installing a custom driveway gate for your home, it’s important that you take into consideration every feature. From the gate design to its operating method, it’s essential that you analyze everything ahead of time so that you can get the perfect gate of your dreams. We hope this list of things to consider for your custom driveway gate helped! If you’re looking for a professional custom gate designer and installer to install your custom driveway gate, there’s no better team than Access Masters. Give us a call at (866) 924-5102, or click here for a FREE quote!

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